Church 7:24 is a collection of believers who are building their lives on God’s firm foundation. We live in a time when people are encouraged to build their lives on the shifting sands of culture or on the thin ice of personal preferences. But we believe that through Scripture and the Holy Spirit we are established on a firm foundation that allows us to weather the storms of life, grow with confidence, and dream without inhibition. We can be unshakable and unstoppable.

Every church has a personality built around core values. We are in pursuit of these four 

We are Biblical

The Bible describes our God and our purpose here on earth. We understand the Bible to be without error and the final authority on all matters of faith and conduct. This is our foundation and when we build our lives on it – we are unshakeable and unstoppable.

We are Relational

You are in the right place because we see our church as a family. In order to become who God created us to be, we believe it necessary to be part of a church. It is in this committed community where we find support and encouragement as well as opportunity to be charitable and practical.

We are Generational

Our heart is to engage every generation with empathy and understanding. Nobody should be left out because Jesus is for everyone. No matter a person’s age or stage they have a contribution to make to the church family.

We are Entrepreneurial

We are called to live a life of faith – taking risks in hope of seeing a spiritual reward. 

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” - Jesus

Matthew 7:24​


As an Assembly of God church, we have a collection of doctrines that help us understand God and our purpose. Those 16 Doctrines are listed below. To simplify what we emphasize, please see our core beliefs listed below.

16 Doctrines -

  1. The Scriptures are Inspired
  2. In the One True God
  3. In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
  4. In the Fall of Man
  5. In the Salvation of Man
  6. In the Ordinances of the Church
  7. In the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  8. In the Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  9. In Sanctification
  10. In the Church and her Mission
  11. In the Ministry
  12. In Divine Healing
  13. That Jesus is coming back
  14. In the Millennial Reign of Christ
  15. In the Final Judgment
  16. In the New Heavens and the New Earth